[Assp-devel] Maximum URIs
Wim Borghs
2007-02-07 09:59:12 UTC
How about using "Maximum URIs" and "Maximum Unique Domain URIs" a bit

== current implementation ==
If the maximum number of URIs or maximum number of unique URI domains is
reached, the mail is blocked

== possible alternative ==

If "Enable maximum number of URIs and URI domains check" is set to 1 it
works as before.

If "Enable maximum number of URIs and URI domains check" is set to 2:
If the maximum number of URIs is reached or the maximum number of URI
domains is exceeded, this is logged.
No more URIs are gathered, URIBL checks are done based on the domains in the
URIs already gathered limited by the maximum number of URI domains.

If "Enable maximum number of URIs and URI domains check" is set to 3:
If the maximum number of URIs is reached or the maximum number of URI
domains is exceeded, the mail's penalty score is incremented with the
penalty value for "Maximum number of URIs or URI domains exceeded".
The mail isn't blocked solely for exceeding these settings.
No more URIs are gathered, URIBL checks are done based on the domains in the
URIs already gathered limited by the maximum number of URI domains.

== interface changes for this alternative ==

In URIBL section:
added check box:
Enable maximum number of URIs and URI domains check
0 = deactivate, 1 = activate, 2 = log only, 3 = score only.

In Penalty Box section:
added text box setting:
Maximum number of URIs or URI domains exceeded
